특정 과거로 보여지는 미래(was going to, etc ..)
2010.09.13 by nowpassion
Be to + infinitive, future perfect and future perfect continuous(Be to 부정사, 미래완료, 미래완료 진행형)
2010.09.10 by nowpassion
Future continuous(will be doing)
2010.09.08 by nowpassion
Present simple ( I do ) for the future
2010.09.07 by nowpassion
Present continuous (I am doing) for the future and "going to"
2010.09.07 by nowpassion
Will and going to ; shall
2010.09.02 by nowpassion
Past perfect continuous / past perpect
2009.10.25 by nowpassion
Past perfect / past simple
2009.10.17 by nowpassion